Instead of committing to a resolution that I wouldn't keep this year I decided to commit to 365 of them. Follow me as I better my life and hopefully yours as well.

Mo Wata Less Problems

So, I live life relatively dehydrated. I know this. As a population, we live life dehydrated. So, for today's resolution, I plan on drinking more water.

My current goal is 32 oz plus whatever I drink at meals. According to some websites, I should have approximately 80 oz a day...that's not going to happen any time soon but I can try! :D


Bev said...

water in....water out. That's why it's so good for us. Gets those toxins out of our system. Good Luck. Glug, glug, glug.

Bev said...

water in....water out. That's why it's so good for us. Gets those toxins out of our system. Good Luck. Glug, glug, glug.

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